Ju and her cam

I have a roomate, she is amazing (actually I have 3 amazing roomates ^_^), she's korean, she lives in London and she is photographer. And you know what? She is a very good photographer. The only thing about what I was thinking when I did the viewing for the flat, was "Wouah it's great, I love photography and I gonna live with 2 photographers" (yeah coz my French roomate is photographer as well...incredible!) "I gonna learn a lot of things with her" (and yesterday night Ju taught me a lot of things : I love it!)

And the good thing is that she has a website, so maybe you can go there to discover her work. And you know what? (again!!) she does photoshootings for some magazines, and some of them ask for streetstyle pictures, or pictures from the fashion week for instance here in London etc. So you'll love it. I can't put all of them here, coz there are too much. But I've selected some of them...

Ju Yeon Lee Photography
(click on her name!)

Credit Picture : Ju Yeon Lee

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Ceyron Louis

Hello! Un pti bout de moi, un gros bout de tout ce qu'il y a autour... [quotidien féminin, city guide, mode, photographie, sortie culinaire, food, Paris]

4 BlablaBla:

une fille pas comme les autres a dit…

Si il y a bien un truc que j'aime sur la blogo c'est ce genre de photos décalés!

Unknown a dit…

Hello!! Cool de voir que ça te plaise! Je lui ai passé le message et elle a apprécié! Au plaisir de te revoir par ici! ^_^

saroune a dit…

Elle est talentueuse Ju dites donc !

Unknown a dit…

Cooool! Je vais lui dire elle sera contente! En plus elle va être encore meilleure, elle a été acceptée pour un master de photo dans la meilleure école à Londres, elle va cartonner! Mais je mettrai des liens, elle travaille régulièrement avec des magazines, mais surtout coréens, ils publient ses photos de streetstyle!

Bises miss

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